Inquiries begin to reach the Journal for persons competent to teach and practice the true Science of Mind-healing. Some isolated reader of Science and Health, or one who has received the ministration of healing from a person not qualified as a teacher, or a healer who does not feel competent to meet any special wants, sends to the Journal for a healer of larger understanding, or for a teacher of a class, or a lecturer for a place or neighborhood.
Also, several earnest students, qualified to lecture, teach, and heal, have lately expressed the desire to receive indications as to places where their services may be given.
This illustrates a familiar experience in Science. The felt want brings out the supply. The Journal is the natural point on which the two wants converge for manifestation. The Journal since the Cleveland meeting is an integral part of the great organism of Science, and hails with joy every means of closer, more vital relation with its several members, whether individual or collective; until the wants become too many, it offers its services in bringing together those who thus need to come into relation. The want will, perhaps, in due time create a special organ for its manifestation.