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"The Usual Hour for Such Services."

From the August 1889 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Inquiry is made by several correspondents as to whether the recommendation of the National Association to hold the Scientist Sunday services "at the usual hour for such services," refers to the universal hour of service, i. e.,10.30 a. m., or the hour that has been usual for Christian Science services.

The expression of the National Association was clearly in favor of adopting the hour for service customary with all religious bodies i. e., 10.30 a. m. It meant to discountenance the idea that Christian Science comes in as subordinate, or supplementary to any other religious system. Every one who has gained even a little understanding realizes that Science is all: it is "God with us." Its worship is spiritual; it is based on the perception as a present fact, of the all-power, and all-presence of God: its object is to make His power and presence real, and it actually destroys what is opposed to harmony. Every other system or dogma is based on the recognition of material sense; a power and presence that is not God, nor of God, but opposite to Him; which He cannot prevail against in this world, but— it is believed— will conquer at some future time; in some other state of existence. The object of their worship is to strengthen this belief as a means of consolation; its greatest height of attainment is patience under suffering.

Which worship, which of these two opposite conceptions of God, shall we hold in honor? Where Christian Science has gained a foothold sufficient for the gathering of two or three in His name, the unmistakable expression of the Association was, that they should meet at the customary hour of service to bow before the One God, instead of going at that hour to bow before a composite God. The reason of this requires no explanation to any one with the least understanding.

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