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Letters & Conversations


From the October 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have enjoyed reading the Journal for months; but I never knew how to appreciate it so highly until some one came to Salt Lake and taught what we believe is genuine Christian Science. Science and Health now seems plainer to us whereas it was before a sealed book. Christian Science is gaining a strong foothold in Salt Lake, and has many adherents who are firm for the Truth. We have had a Wednesday-morning Bible reading for months past. We now have in addition a Sunday Bible reading. A blind girl has become much interested and says life seems more beautiful to her now. Many of us have great cause to be thankful for the help we've had through this glorious Truth. Formality seems to us now so nothingless, and Truth begins to be all in all.—

Your favor in regard to literature for free distribution is received and duly appreciated. The Series, with one or two exceptions perhaps, are all grand. The June Series are splendid. I keep the three copies I take going constantly, and could use many more could I afford them. I do not give, as at first, but write on all "Read and return." In this way I keep them "on the wing." Our work is growing, wonderfully—the Bible class in particular; and any time when you find you have a surplus of Bible Lessons, even when there are but a few Sundays remaining in the quarter, if you will send them I will gladly distribute where an order will be sure to result. No one will do without after once using them.—

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