"Contradiction" of error is assertion of error, supposes its presence. It begins with the admission of what is never to be admitted. The starting point in the way of Life must always be contradiction of error. It is in this sense a step towards denial, but is the lowest round in the ladder, and not, "denial." Though a necessary starting point, as a resting place, a position from which to demonstrate, it is simple abuse and denial of Christian Science. The only real denial of error is reflection of Principle, become conscious through emptying mortal mind of error.* But "to unloose the sandals of Truth error must grow meek,"†—the condition of formal acknowledgment of Principle and idea; then, meekness, gentleness, and patience, replace the impatience, rudeness, and arrogance of self. Thus the sandals of Truth are unloosed, but only Love is "fulfilment of the law"—realization of existence as reflection—not "our" reflection—of Principle.
"Denial" in its generally accepted, and wrong meaning, as the synonym of contradiction, proceeds from an "I" that says "You are a lie." This is a high form of error of personality. Behind the formal, seeming affirmation of Truth, the false "I" that sees good and evil is concealed. The ego that contradicts is the supposed embodiment of error—the personal "I." "Contradiction" is satan (personal sense) rebuking sin (animal magnetism) —a house divided against itself. Healing on the basis of contradiction is animal magnetism, not Christian Science.
The error of contradicting sin and disease, now so widely diffused, finds no warrant in the teachings of Science and Health. There are in "Healing and Teaching" a few expressions like "whatever the belief is, if arguments are used to destroy it, that belief must be negatived,"
‡ and "mentally contradict every complaint from the body, and hold your ground disputatiously until the body yields to your demand."
§ These have been caught up in pretended, mortal mind "Statements of Christian Science" and "Keys" to Science and Health, and—wrested from their meaning in the context — expanded into a system of "mind-cure" sorcery, and enchantment. These more pretentious voices of error have been supplemented by pamphlets and leaflets, in all forms and sizes, and even written or mimographic instructions, giving directions, rules, or formulas, for "treatments," or, "the thought to hold," or the form of denial or affirmation. The various forms of disease, and even the parts of the body are enumerated, and the forms applicable to each are given—a veritable "Devil's Dictionary and Phrase book." These publications are referred to here, only to warn the multitudes of honest seekers for Truth, who are, or may become their victims, that they are, one and all, frauds on Christian Science, and only lead to darker mazes of belief than are to be found even in Theology and medicine. They teach only the witchcraft of belief.