From all over the field come most encouraging reports. Our Cause is attracting more and more the attention of earnest thinking people. All classes are finding in the unfoldments of divine Truth which are given to them through the interpretations of Christian Science, those satisfying results and experiences for which they have long been looking. They are learning that Harmony rather than discord is their birthright, Love not hate, the fact of their existence, Truth not error, the Science of their Being.
We are rejoiced to hear also, that the disciples are learning that because they cannot all see exactly alike in reference to some of the varied applications of the one Truth, they are not therefore of necessity disloyal to the Cause or its Leader. Or in other words, that honest differences in minor matters do not make cause for divisions and cliques. This is as it should; be and all should remember that nothing so much rejoices the adversary as to see discord and division in our ranks.
Let us remember that we have one Cause and one common purpose,— the upbuilding of the Christ Science in human consciousness.