The editorial in our last number is justly subject to the criticism which several of our readers, in the right spirit, have been good enough to make. For such criticisms we are always thankful. We made this statement: "Platforms are being prepared and promulgated, the purpose of whichis to enlighten the people and define the principles of the respective parties. The one declares unequivocally for gold as the only money standard, the other as unequivocally for silver as the only money standard." This, as a statement of fact, is inaccurate and was inadvertently made. The Republican platform in words declares for gold until by international agreement with other leading commercial nations of the world silver shall be recognized as standard money. The Democratic platform declares for the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation. We regret that in our earnest desire to draw a healthful Scientific lesson from the present political contention we should have been led into a misstatement of fact. We can only say our intention was good, for it was not to discuss the financial question at all, but simply to emphasize the Scientific fact that as long as individuals, political parties, and nations, place reliance on gold and silver as their saving and redeeming power, so long are they making gold and silver their gods, thereby running after strange gods, losing sight of the one and only God, and making right government and true citizenship an impossibility. We therefore reaffirm every conclusion drawn from our former article, and as to the lesson therein contained, we have nothing to explain or retract.
The editorial in our last number is justly subject to the...
From the October 1896 issue of The Christian Science Journal