This is the title of a two volume book just published by Messrs. Gay Brothers & Co., of New York City. It is an historical work treating comprehensively of the bibles and religious beliefs of mankind; the systems, scriptures and faiths of every age, race and nation, with a complete and impartial story of all churches and communions, etc. It contains an interesting and lengthy article upon Christian Science, and also a biographical sketch and a fine portrait of our Teacher and Leader, the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy. Mechanically the work is of a high order, and from such examination as we have been able to make of it, it appears to be not less so in every other respect.
Price $6 per set, express prepaid. Address Christian Science Publishing Society.
The address of the Church treasurer, Mrs. Mary F. Eastaman, will hereafter be 111 Summer St., Somerville, Mass. Will our friends in remitting their per capita tax kindly bear in mind that it will be a great accommodation to our faithful treasurer if they will remit early, instead of deferring it to near the close of the year? By so doing the treasurer can better distribute her work; and we are sure that this little act of thoughtfulness will be gladly exercised as soon as attention is called to it.