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From the September 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The statement is often made that Christian Science is a "Woman's Religion," and it is said in a way that would carry with it a slur and a suggestion that by virtue of its being so dubbed it would fully justify one wasting no thought or time upon it; and would also result in securing its everlasting doom.

If it be the truth, what augurs it whether it was first voiced by a man or a woman? It were as though one should object to partaking of the Elixir of Life because it was handed to him in a tin cup instead of a wooden chalice. Has the man been so pure and spiritual a custodian and bearer of the Ark of the Covenant that he is the only one fitted to enter the Shekinah and bring back to the sick and suffering world the message of God?

A "Woman's Religion," forsooth! If by a religion is meant a certain set of theories, dogmas, etc., about life, then is Christian Science not a religion. It is not speculative, tentative, or experimental; it is positive, absolute, demonstrable. If by a religion is meant the truth about God, the truth about Life, the truth about man, etc., then is Christian Science not a religion, but it is Religion, and the entirety of it. Then it is not a Woman's Religion, but a woman's discovery and demonstration of Religion.

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