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Testimonies of Healing

Among the Mexicans who attend our services is a sewing...

From the September 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Among the Mexicans who attend our services is a sewing woman named Susana Mendez, who is a Christian Scientist, and is a diligent worker in the Cause. She was the first Mexican to embrace Christian Science, and her husband soon followed. Two years ago he was healed by Science treatment of a claim of carious bone. His name is Francisco Mendez, and he is on the Mexican police force. Now he can stay out all night and even during severe tropical storms without any evil effects.

Susana has a clear thought, and in one treatment and with the aid of the Scientific Statement of Being which we had helped her translate into Spanish, she overcame a claim of chronic sick headache in an American lady, a member of the Episcopal communion, who has since then attended our services, and who herself has done good work for the Master.

Susana had a friend, a very old Mexican woman, whom she was able to heal through her realization of the Truth. One day when talking to this old woman, the latter said something about the text-book being in English, and that therefore she could not understand it. Susana replied: "You have been going to mass, have you not?" "Yes." "Well, you thought it helped you, did you not?" "Yes." "Bien, that is in Latin, and you do not understand that, do you?"

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