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Testimonies of Healing

I suffered for over twelve years from severe and...

From the September 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I suffered for over twelve years from severe and chronic neuralgia, accompanied by the most painful headaches. These occurred about every two weeks during the twelve years; they were so terrible that I was compelled to go to bed,—and, to allay the pain, physicians would recommend my taking drugs. But the more I took, the less effective I found them as time went on.

Some months ago, I took a Christian Science treatment while I was suffering these intense neuralgic pains. I lacked confidence in the efficacy of Christian Science treatment, and so stated to the healer. He said that did not make any difference. In a few minutes, the pains disappeared and have never appeared since. I have tried Christian Science for many things since, and it always has supplied all my needs. By realizing the truth of Divine Mind we can drive out the errors and ills of mortal mind.

To show the rapid spread of Christian Science, and the work it is accomplishing here, I will mention that some months since I met a business friend who had been suffering for over seven years from a serious trouble in one of his feet. He was complaining bitterly over the fact that he was getting no better, and that the doctors could do nothing for him. His business required his being active and on his feet a large part of the day, and it was torture to him. I told him that I would, in his place, try Christian Science treatment. He thought this was ridiculous, for, said he, after I had explained a little of it, "How can that cure a physical defect? I know it is there, because my foot has been examined by the X-ray several times by prominent physicians, who ascertained where the injury was, but they could not relieve it, but recommended the wearing of a steel clamp on the foot to brace it up, so that I might walk." I argued with him, and he became quite angry and antagonistic.

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