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Testimonies of Healing

In the fall of 1896 a Christian Science Journal was...

From the September 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the fall of 1896 a Christian Science Journal was handed me by a lady member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, but after reading it I laid it aside and thought no more of it, and had forgotten it until the other day when I found the Journal among some old papers, and I now prize it very highly. About a year ago my wife purchased "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, and asked me to read it. I tried to read it, but like many others, at the beginning failed, although not prejudiced, and threw the book down in disgust at not being able to understand its meaning. I had attended a lecture at the Third Church, and was invited to attend Sunday and Wednesday evening meetings, which I did, and then became more interested in the reading of Science and Health.

Before proceeding further, I wish to state that I have received no instruction in Christian Science healing, and all I know about it is what I have heard at the meetings and gained by reading the text-book, the Journal, the Sentinel, and other Science literature. I did take a few treatments for catarrhal deafness, with success, but made no attempt to inform my healer of any of my bad habits. The subject introduced at a Wednesday evening meeting at the Third Church by the Reader was, "Work out your own salvation," and that turned my thought in the right direction, and I started out on that plan. A short time after a demonstration further opened the way.

I will give the demonstration. I ran a pair of sharp-pointed tweezers through my thumb-nail, and did not know of anything to do or say. I could not repeat any prayer, and did not know how to treat. I had the Scientific Statement of Being written on a piece of paper in my vest pocket. I ran to my vest, read the Scientific Statement as written, and immediately returned to my work, the blood at the time spurting all over my hand. On my return I neither saw nor felt any ill effects, and never have to this day. I did not lose my finger-nail as on similar occasions before knowing of Christian Science. After that I attended church quite regularly, both Sundays and Wednesdays.

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