Four years ago, we first learned that my wife had an internal cancer. We were then living in Colorado where we could not get very good medical help. We had treatment for my wife by mail through a medical institute in Indiana, which claimed to have a sure cancer cure; but this did her no good. Two years ago we came here to Rock Springs to see what could be done. After we had medical attendance for several months, the doctor advised us to bring her to the State Hospital in Denver to see if anything could be done for her. We did so, and the doctor in charge assisted by two other physicians, made an examination and pronounced it an enormous rose cancer, so far advanced that to remove it by an operation would surely prove fatal. That was a year ago last June, and the doctor told her then that she could not live more than five or six months.
After this, hearing of a prominent physician at Salt Lake City who had a sure cancer cure, we took her to him. He treated her four months and gave it up and sent her back so low that they said she would not live to get home. When the train arrived the nurse told me she was dying, but I would not believe it. She lingered along until the latter part of January, when we concluded to try Christian Science, as everything else had failed. Besides the cancer, which had a dull, steady pain all the time (sometimes being very severe), there was a very bad pain in one side of her head continually, and we supposed there was some kind of an abscess forming there. The only relief she got was when the pain was too bad and we would give her a hypodermic injection of morphine two or three times a day.
Well, I wrote to a practitioner on the 23rd or 24th of January, and the following Saturday she had a pretty bad day. About eight or nine o'clock Saturday night I went over to the house (I am night watchman for the Union Pacific Coal Co.) to see how she was getting along. Imagine my surprise when I went into the house, to hear her laughing and talking in her room. When I went in I found her propped up in the bed with our little girl on the bed romping and playing. For some time she had been unable to stand the least jar of the bed. I could see she looked unusually bright. When I asked her how she felt, she said she felt first rate, and asked me if she didn't look well. I said, "Well, you do look bright. How is your head?" She said, "Oh, I had forgotten all about it, the pain is all gone." This was Saturday, and we had not yet heard from the practitioner, but on Monday we received a letter from him saying that he had commenced to treat my wife on the 26th of the month. I went and looked at the calendar, and Saturday, the very day she commenced to feel so much better, was the 26th. The following Tuesday she got up and dressed herself, and in about six weeks she let the hired girl go and went to doing her own work, and has been doing it ever since. How thankful we are that we heard of Christian Science!