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[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, February 4, 1933]

From the April 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is natural for students of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy to become attached to the particular copies which have been their companions for a long time. They are reluctant to part with these copies unless for some exceptionally good reason. Such a reason now exists, as the Literature Distribution Committee of The Mother Church has received calls for more used copies than it can supply, as have some Literature Distribution Committees in branch churches.

The present widespread prevalence of the belief of lack and limitation creates a demand for our textbook from those who, because of that very belief, are unable to buy copies for themselves and who need and want what it contains.

It would be a gracious act on the part of any followers of our Leader who are in position to buy new copies for themselves, to send the old ones to the Distribution Committee of their respective churches or to the Literature Distribution Committee of The Mother Church, to be given to some who perhaps would prize them more highly because of their being gifts from unknown friends. Thus we may again prove the truth of our Leader's words (Science and Health, p. 206): "In the scientific relation of God to man, we find that whatever blesses one blesses all."

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