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From the April 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT is interesting, instructive, and inspiring to note in the New Testament the evidences of the progressive development of Christ Jesus in his teachings and demonstrations. Although he raised three persons from the dead, this, according to the record, was not among his earlier demonstrations. Likewise, his spiritual instructions to his disciples may be regarded as wisely fitted to their growing capacity to understand them. His knowledge of the omnipresence and omnipotence of God, Spirit, was proved in the healing of all manner of diseases; in the casting out of devils or evils called dementia, dumbness, and deafness; in making whole the maimed and in giving sight to the blind; in destroying sin; in stilling the storm and walking on the sea; in feeding the multitudes and otherwise annulling so-called material laws. Then, he walked forth from the tomb because of his realization of the ever living Christ; and finally, when in the line of the progressive unfoldment of God's allness every material belief had been displaced from his thought, Jesus disappeared from human sight in the ascension.

It is noteworthy that the true spiritual prosperity of Christianity during the first three centuries of the Christian era was coincident with the same healing works which were wrought by the Master and his immediate disciples. When foretelling his departure, Jesus said, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." At the same time Jesus promised the continuing presence of the Comforter: "the Spirit of truth," he said, is to abide with men forever.

After Mary Baker Eddy had verified her spiritual discovery by means of the healing and regenerating works which Christ Jesus said should characterize his followers, she was led of God to see and state that Christian Science is the promised Comforter. She had divine assurance that the spiritual teachings stated in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," are nothing less than God-inspired. Ample authentication of this assurance is furnished by the constantly increasing number of those whose lives have been transformed as a result of the study of the textbook and the application of its teachings. The unselfishness and spiritual desire which enabled Mrs. Eddy to receive the divine revelation of Christian Science also prompted her to share it with the world. Following divine directing, she established The Mother Church and provided for the formation of branch churches. Her founding of The Christian Science Journal in 1883 was the first step toward the present worldencirling activity of The Christian Science Publishing Society of The Mother Church.

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