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From the November 1937 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Genuine encouragement springs from faith in the right, and when it is unremittingly sought in the harmony of infinite Mind this encouragement is unfailingly found. But, someone may ask, if one seems to be facing difficulties and sees no reason to feel encouraged, why not give in to discouragement? Christian Science replies that there is always reason for encouragement. Why? Because through spiritual understanding we can demonstrate the power of Spirit to nullify the claims of material sense. We can experience the peace of spiritual sense.

Encouragement is a divine and upbuilding influence which the spiritually-minded stand ready to offer one another in the hour of need. Moses' friends held up his hands while the battle raged, and they continued to do so until the victory had been won. Their untiring support symbolized the eternal support of God, good. More still, then, the Christian Scientist is required to maintain this attitude of encouragement because of the standard of spiritual perfection which each consecrated student strives to bring out in demonstration. The true fellow worker in Science expresses loving patience and encouragement when fear seems to hang as a veil over the spiritual vision of one who is striving to win a victory over evil. He reminds the one in need that the "vail is done away in Christ." And he remembers the encouraging admonition. "Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed."

Mrs. Eddy, whose constant gratitude to God is an example to us today, writes in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 262) that she is grateful to her students for "encouraging the heart grown faint with hope deferred." The spirit of encouragement is never exhausted by stress or strain. It is made strong and beautiful through mercy, for true encouragement is inspired by divine Love.

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