UNQUESTIONABLY, there is value in sound academic education and in keeping abreast of the times, noting the mental and outward changes and understanding what is producing them. From decade to decade, education develops, and what one generation learns along materialistic lines, the next one may be called upon to unlearn. Old superstitions are waning, and in many respects better views are coming to light. Were one to compare what is taught in schools today with what was taught half a century ago, many contrasts would be apparent.
Yet greater still is the contrast between spiritual education and even the best human erudition. The child's and adult's higher nature would be threatened with atrophy if education consisted solely in the propagation and assimilation of fluctuating human hypotheses, based on the transitory evidence of the five senses.
What is the premise of true education or unfoldment? It is the understanding of Deity, from whom alone spiritual and eternal knowledge springs. It is never too soon for one's moral and spiritual education to start, and it is never too late to carry it on.