ON Horeb's height Moses received the revelation of God as the great I AM. With feet unshod, in deepest reverence, he experienced this illuminating unfoldment and wonderingly considered the mission to the children of Israel to which God called him. What did this divine impartation signify? Mrs. Eddy has said (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 258), "The name, I AM, indicated no personality that could be paralleled with it; but it did declare a mighty individuality, even the everlasting Father, as infinite consciousness, ever-presence, omnipotence; as all law, Life, Truth, and Love."
Moses' forty years in Midian had been largely spent, we may assume, in profitable meditation. Guarding his flock in the night watches, under the silent stars, or resting in the shadow of great rocks by day, he learned this profound lesson—that God is the infinite "I AM THAT I AM." As this great truth burned in his heart, self-will was abandoned and meekness possessed him.
Students of Christian Science, finding their former humanized concept of Deity corrected by the scientific teaching that God is divine Principle, sometimes lose for a time the precious sense of God as a loving Father. They need to recall Moses' clear concept of Deity as I AM, and the explanation of this term given by our beloved Leader.