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From the October 1957 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Christian Science lecture is an important event in any neighborhood. It might be likened somewhat to the teaching and preaching of Christ Jesus and his apostles when multitudes were drawn to hear the message of Christ and were healed and refreshed. Positive proofs of healings accomplished during a lecture on Christian Science often come to the notice of the lecturer and members of the church sponsoring the lecture.

Preparing for the presentation of a lecture is a joyful and rewarding task for the church member. To him, a lecture is a spiritual feast to which he is privileged to invite others. He knows that the receptive ones who accept the invitation and attend will feel the presence of the Christ. He knows too that many will gain a better understanding of how Christian Science heals, namely through the employment of spiritual means alone. That is why so many church members invite neighbors, friends, relatives, and even strangers to a lecture.

A Christian Science lecture often has an awakening effect on the new student. He may be aroused to the realization that sickness, sin, and discords of all nature are unreal. Perhaps he begins to discern the fact that God's universe, the only universe, is perfect, complete, good. If the student carefully follows the lecturer's line of spiritual reasoning, he will respond by mentally identifying himself as the diseaseless, deathless, and sinless expression of God's being.

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