AT THE AGE OF 14, I fell in love with the Bible. So much so that I even carried a small pocket version around with me every day. I liked the stories in the New Testament, as well as the profound statements of practical truth that I found. I also began reading all of Mary Baker Eddy's writings, including the book, Retrospection and Introspection.
One afternoon, as I sat reading in the family living room, I came across this sentence: "Christian Science declares that there is but one Truth, Life, Love, but one Spirit, Mind, Soul."1
This is a very radical, simple, and deep sentence, and it really struck me that afternoon. I was impressed with the infinite variety of God—His infinite expression, yet His oneness. I knew that this sentence didn't just present a nice proposal, but a spiritual fact—a law based on the truths that Christ Jesus came to share with the world. If there is only one Truth, Life, Love, Spirit, Mind, Soul—then we, God's offspring, are included in this oneness. We express truthfulness and authenticity, energy, gentleness, substance, understanding and perception, creativity and light. As I pondered the power of this statement, I felt a wonderful sense of the oneness and onlyness of God.