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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

Little Zilfa, aged eight years, sent fifty cents to the Children's fund for "Mother's room," and made the gift really her own, instead of mamma's, by denying herself candy for a required period of time. Was not that an excellent method, the denial of self, and the belief of sensuous pleasure? She loves to hear the Children's Department read.

On reading the April Journal the thought came to me to send in my mite to the Children's department. The May Journal was received and read, and still I was careless and did not write.

A demonstration of not standing "aghast" has come under my observation, in the realization of a little boy of about five years of age; and as it was helpful to me, I will share it with you. Some of his little playmates were suffering from an attack of measles; but his mamma, who had been healed from reading Science and Health, did not forbid his continuing to associate with them, although grandma and friends were disposed to censure.

"Some an Hundredfold, Some Sixtyfold, Some Thirtyfold. " On the afternoon of June sixth the corps of workers, composing the Boston Sunday School, gathered in a home on Blue Hill Avenue to report the result of individual effort made in response to the letter to the children that appeared in the Journal of April last.

I have long thought to send to the Journal something of the sayings and doings of our little ones, and feel that now is the time, and it must be done. One little one, just past four years of age, caught her thumb nail in some machinery, and in her efforts to free herself the nail was torn nearly off.


The attention of a student of Life's problem was attracted, while passing on the street, to an incident that was engaging the pleased attention of nearly all others in the vicinity. This was the manifestation of intelligence on the part of a noble looking dog, and a horse, which was equally manifesting the same characteristic.

A patient who was recently healed through Christian Science, when told she needed no more treatments, slipped into her healer's hand a ten dollar bill, saying it was for the new Church to be built in Boston, adding, "I want to give it,— I must do as much as this to help suffering humanity out of bondage. Christian Science has done so much for me, I must do this.


Extracts from a sermon recently delivered in Chickering Hall, Boston, by S. J.


The true consciousness is the true health. One says, "I find relief from pain in unconscious sleep.

I always look forward to the coming of the next month's Journal with great pleasure, for I know it will contain a new thought of Love. Since I have been in Christian Science, I have learned to help myself a great deal, and mamma too.