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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


God is Love. —1 John iv.


It has been said—it ought always to be said, for it is true —that a better and more honorable offering is made to our Master in ministry to the poor, in extending the knowledge of His name, in the practice of the virtues by which that name is hallowed, than in material presents to His temple. Assuredly it is so: woe to all who think that any other kind or manner of offering may in any wise take the place of these!


Letter read at the meeting of the Mass. Metaphysical College Association, June 3, 1891.

About a little Scientist in Paris

Langford is a little boy only four years old. All of his friends say he is just like a little bird, he is so sweet and cheery.

We are daily gaining our object lessons from the little ones; and to show how quick they are to grasp the Spiritual interpretation, I enclose a few thoughts. One day, our little Walter seemed unusually affectionate, wanting to kiss me every few moments.

"Little Sunshine Makers."

I have just seen the appeal in the May Journal for contributions to the Home and Children's Dept. and hasten to tell the Little Scientists what I have long hail in my heart to say to them about a band of very different children, to mortal sense, who are "Shut-in" from the bright world, by the belief of pain and disease, often combined with great poverty.


An eminent New York physician, who was fond of experimenting, told a friend that he had compounded some wonderful pills, a single one of which would cause certain described symptoms. His friend volunteered to take one.


Pernicious mental practice does more harm to the young students than does the opposition of hypnotism. They start out buoyantly with their consciousness of a new power, that fills them with greater beauty of life.


I am delighted to hear that this added means of leading all to Science and Health, through the wide circulation of the Journal, is offered at this time. I am ready to do as much as I can towards that end, and what little service I can render will be with a heart full of love and gratitude to our dear Mother.


In a remote Canadian province I heard, for the first time, the words Christian and Science used con-jointly, and at the same time saw a copy of the book Science and Health. A few questions elicited the statement: "It is founded upon Christ and the Bible," which was all that was needed to bring me, at the end of two weeks, to the "Athens of America" to learn more about this "more excellent way.