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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.

Birdie's Message to our Baby Boy

He came to our bedside some time in the night, saying: "Treat me, mamma, I'm so cold. " I took the little fellow in my arms and found him shaking with belief of chill and fever; the false claim coming to him in the darkness while we were all asleep.

I should like to reproduce, exactly as they are said, some of the sweet truths voiced by my little daughter who is only five years old; but in writing them, it seems to me they lose somewhat of their charm. One night after she had retired, she called me to the side of her cot, and, putting her little arms about my neck, whispered: "Mamma, I love you better than all people, but God best of all" —adding, after a thoughtful pause,— "for God made everything.

I have a little boy three and a half years old who is having good demonstrations. One night last week we were up to call on my parents, who live here and are very much opposed to Christian Science, in belief.

In an infant class in a Christian Science Sunday School, the effort has been to teach the practical side of Christianity. One Sunday in early spring, when so much thought is turned toward gardening, each child was made to understand that his heart is his garden; that the good, loving, helpful thoughts are the flowers, while the cross thoughts are the weeds to be pulled out.

I have a Sabbath School class of children of from thirteen to fourteen years. They are, with one or two exceptions, children of Scientists, so that the teaching received in the class is not new or strange to them.

God Was in His Face

With an air of humility fully in accord with his worn and patched appearance, he walked up the stairs in advance of me on Monday morning, as I arrived at my office to attend to the day's duties. With resigned yet hopeful bearing, he sought at the various offices in the building for small jobs.

My little six-year-old grandson came home from school with a belief of hoarseness; he could not speak aloud. I took him on my lap, and he said over the Scientific Statement of Being.


There has been with me a great desire to prove Christian Science to be of practical value. We hear it said by one and another: "Christian Science is a beautiful belief, but I have so much material work to do that I find little time to enjoy it;" also: "I believe in Christian Science, but my home cares leave me little time for its study; hence I do not advance much in understanding.

I have watched with no little interest the expressions in the Journal regarding a "Children's Quarterly"; noting particularly the one-sidedness of the subject. At first I heartily echoed the thought; but "a cloud, no bigger than a man's hand," appeared in the horizon of my mind, and when it began to assume greater proportions, I felt that it was time to analyze it.


A fountain of perfectly pure water was discovered on a mountain near a great city. The discoverer had searched long and dliigently for this supply, and then spent long years in testing its qualities, limits, and source.