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Exploring in depth what Christian Science is and how it heals.


When mention is made of the disciples of Christ, thought goes back to the twelve, and the seventy. In these are supposed to be found certain characteristics that do not belong to the men and women of to-day.


In considering this subject we shall have but little to say regarding the former, or orthodox belief of such a day, as it has been quite thoroughly proven to our consciousness that Truth spoken will take care of itself, without much personal effort from us to destroy the error. Truth appears as error disappears; not that error ever was, but it seemed.


When he was young, he was given the name Zaccheus, which means pure, but, when he grew to have a mind of his own, he chose an occupation which was dishonest. What begins pure must end pure, and the thought of purity, the Mother-love had given him was not lost entirely, even though he worked with beliefs which were impure.

" So then your enemy I have become by dealing truthfully with you!" Gal. iv.


"And what is prayer when it is prayer indeed? The mighty utterance of a mighty need; The man is praying who does press with might Out of the darkness into God's own light. " It is a pressing out of darkness—a coming out of self.


" The gift of God is eternal Life. " Then Life not given by God is temporal or time life.

This denial is according to the "letter" of human sense, but not according to the "spirit" of truthful understanding. The narrow, human idea of personality, whereby in thought, God is made to think and act, like a magnified man—is denied.


The fast day which fifty years ago was a regular, annual season for supposed communion with a personal God by going without food and so getting into what was supposed to be a suitable state of mind, is pretty much done away with in the churches where a personal God is still worshipped. Why is this? Jesus says, "This kind cometh not forth except by fasting and prayer.


I object to such a departure from the Principle of Christian Science, as it would be, to be memorialized in a manner which should cause personal motives for building the First Church of Christ (Scientist) in Boston. Contributions to this Boston Building Fund should be made on a higher plane of thought.


"He that has the Son has the life; he that has not the Son of God has not the Life. " —  I  John v.