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God’s help on the job

- Practice, Practice, Practice

Early one morning, not long ago, a friend of mine emailed me with concerns about a work deadline that affected many people. He said he had no experience with most of the elements of the project presented to him for completion that day. He was worried that failure might cause problems for others as well as threaten his employment. He asked me to pray for him that day.

I assured him that God would be with him every step of the way, just as God is always with us, and that things would work out just fine. After we said goodbye, I began to pray. When I pray, the first thing I do is close my eyes and know that God is going to show His love in some wonderful way. I feel total peace about the outcome.

In this case, as I listened for inspiration, I remembered the Bible story of Moses parting the Red Sea (see Exodus 14:21–31). I realized that, at God’s command, the sea opened and then closed right at the needed moments. This brought me assurance, because I saw that God can be depended on to unfold all good for us right when it is needed, because God is the one all-knowing Mind, divine Love, governing all. That took care of any concern that a deadline would not be met because I knew that God was present, unfolding the right thing at the right time.

The next thing that happened was that an image of a rose opening came to thought. I knew that, if one were to try to force the petals to open, the flower would be damaged. I saw that none of us, my friend included, have to force success in our work through our own human will. We can trust God’s promise for all of us of perfectly ordered, efficient, divine unfoldment, in God’s way, and this brings out the most desirable results. I trusted that divine unfoldment in my prayer, and I knew all was well with my friend. 

The next morning, my friend emailed to tell me the good news. He said that soon after we had spoken the day before, a fellow co-worker, who was very experienced in all aspects of my friend’s assigned project, offered to help my friend and guide him through the project step by step. The project was completed perfectly and on time, to the delight of everyone involved.

My friend said that the best part for him was that his faith in God and in Christian Science had grown and deepened greatly from this demonstration of God’s love and care.

Fear is almost always about the future. When we can trust that all creation responds to the command of divine Love, God—because creation is the expression of Love—we can be assured that divine Love imparts good to us, right along with the rest of creation. With fears of the future out of the way, we’re free to see and enjoy the best of each day.

—Barbara Whitewater

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