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From the November 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Your attention is especially called to this issue of the Christian Science Journal, which numbers five thousand copies, and has exchanges with numerous leading publications. Its patrons are found in all parts of the United States and Canadas, and various parts of Europe. As an advertising medium its value is incalculable to all practitioners of Christian Science Mind-healing. Its columns are open not only to students in good standing with the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, but also to their properly accredited students.

It does not admit everything without choice or scrutiny, so that all advertisements are in honorable company; and it does not propose to have a very large number of advertisements, so that each will have a comparative prominence. Publishers, educational institutions, dry-goods men and jewellers, will especially find this magazine a profitable medium by which they may communicate with the public. Notice the inside page of front cover for the rates of advertising, and the subscription price, which will be strictly adhered to hereafter. These rates are very low, compared with other magazines. Read on this page also the request to subscribers when their Journal does not arrive promptly.

Should a "renewal slip" by mistake be put in your magazine, do not complain to your neighbor, but notify the manager at once, and it will receive prompt attention.

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