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From the May 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Hear our prayer, oh gracious Father,
Author of celestial good,
That Thy laws, so pure and holy,
May be better understood.

As the dew, before the sunlight,
Melts, and fadeth from our sight,
So may every doubt and error
Fade before Eternal Light.

Armed with faith may we press onward,
Knowing nothing but Thy will,
Conquering every storm of error,
With the sweet words, "Peace, be still."

As the starry hosts of heaven
Speak the wonders of our God,
So to us shall strength be given,
To proclaim His Truth abroad.

Like the Star of Bethlehem shining,
Love will guide us all the way,
From the depths of error's darkness,
Into Truth's eternal day.

Only when grief finds its work done, can God relieve us from it. Trial, then, only stops when it is useless; that is why it scarcely ever stops.

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