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Testimonies of Healing

The last year my financial matters have been seemingly close...

From the May 1890 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The last year my financial matters have been seemingly close; yet I am not discouraged. I cannot be in this glorious Truth, knowing that all things work together for good to them that love Good. This makes me think of the time, four years ago, when I first heard of Christian Science. I was in Denver, Col., at the time—"could not live in Wichita," so my physician said. I was lying in bed, sick and helpless in belief, when a dear, good sister, poor in this world's goods but rich in Truth, came in to get my washing. She asked: "Are you taking medicine?" I replied: "No, the doctor can do me no good." She then said: "Come, and go with me to the Christian Scientists. They helped me, and will help you." "Christian Scientists!" said I, "what are they? what do they do? Is it Spiritualism or Mesmerism? Do they manipulate? If so, I don't want to have anything to do with them. It may seem good for a little, but it is not lasting good." "No! no!" said she, "it's not that at all. I cannot tell you much about it, but it's all about God." We were both silent for quite a while, and then I replied: "I will go with you, for if it is 'all about God,' I know it is good, for I know He is good."

In less than three hours, with her assistance, I was up and dressed. We rode three miles in an open buggy, and the day was quite cold to personal sense. I took one treatment, and, as the lady said she would teach me, my first lesson in the primary course. For a year previous to this time I had not rested at night, and had had very poor health for thirteen years. That evening I felt so well that I helped get supper, and afterward slept well all night. By the time I had finished my course I was cured of "beliefs." Since that time I have read scarcely anything but pure Christian Science literature and the Bible; while four years before I had laid that precious Bible away as being impossible for me to understand it. (From early childhood I had regularly attended both church and Sunday school.) I said: "I believe the Bible is all right, but I cannot understand it. If I continue to read and study, I'll go crazy." As our beloved Teacher has said, "Nonsense is no sense at all." This glorious Truth is now unfolding beautifully to us all. We have here in Wichita quite a promising Sunday school—attendance over fifty, and increasing right along. I read your letter over and over. It was the first I ever had from a brother or sister in Truth, and contained such glowing words of Love and Truth as none could give except he had understood and demonstrated Truth.

Yours in Truth,

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