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From the February 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN God we are. O blessed thought
Through which Christ's miracles are wrought.
In God we live, in God we move
And have our Being, and God is Love,
And Love is Life, and Life is Light,
Dispelling claims of mortal sight.
O living Light, where enters in
Nor shade of sorrow or of sin!
O loving God, O all that is;
O name that clears all mysteries,
O hope that banishes all doubt,
O faith that works all problems out,
No more with Adam-dreams at war,
In God we are, in God we are.
Not in his old material shroud
Descends He thro' a mortal cloud;
But clothed in panoply of Love,
In Mind-realm doth majestic move
Amongst the brethren; while each claim
Of error flees before His name,
And sin falls trapp'd in its own snare,
And death, a wraith, skulks to its lair,
And sickness swoons of its disease,
And like a shadow deathward flees,
And sorrow, 'neath the healing wings
Of righteousness, yields up its stings,
And evil dies of its own deeds,
And, out the husks of time-worn creeds,
Come Light and Life and Love,—these three,—
Unite in one grand Trinity.
The Michael-hosts of God-thoughts come,—
It is the true Millennium.

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