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Testimonies of Healing

For many years before my attention was called especially...

From the February 1905 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FOR many years before my attention was called especially to Christian Science, I had known that there existed such a movement, and although I had not carefully investigated its teachings, yet, like many others whom I have met and talked with since, I assumed to know all about it, and endorsed all the current criticism concerning it. I had formed a speculative belief about Christian Science, that it was a compound of all that was objectionable in all the different religious denominations, not including my own, which was then, to me, the only one exempt from fault. When my attention was especially called to Christian Science, it was on learning that an only brother, living in a distant city, had, with his family, left an orthodox church and united with First Church of Christ, Scientist, of that city.

This news produced in me the effect of a lighted torch applied to explosives, bringing forth volleys of wrath and hatred towards what I have since learned to be the truth. The honored name, life, and religious teachings of our father had been' disgraced and ignored. Could I ever speak to my brother on this subject? Could I listen to any attempted explanation of his position? Nay, could I refrain from using physical force to emphasize my feeling of intense indignation?

While under this mental strain, and after nearly two years of worry for an invalid child and the rapid development in my wife of a case of hereditary consumption, which sorrow and care were forcing upon her, these banished all sense of joy, peace, and happiness from our hearthstone. To whatever avenue thought turned it was confronted with the dreaded "valley of the shadow of death." After we had exhausted materia medica, doctors, and all surgical skill with no relief to the child, whom we now know was a messenger of God to turn us into the way of Christian Science, the way of Truth, in such an hour of dire extremity Christian Science was recommended to us by my brother. Here again was a scene of a fierce mental conflict between truth and error, but there being no other hope left us we very reluctantly turned to Christian Science, and a practitioner was called. The ailment for which we sought healing was first spinal meningitis, then measles, and following this came whooping cough. This latter trouble, through intense straining, had caused a curvature of the spine and nervous prostration. In a remarkably short time all sense of pain was met and mastered through Christian Science, and in four weeks only a slight discoloration of the skin remained to mark the location of an enlarged hunch (hunchback), and the spinal column became straight and normal. Before this demonstration was completed the mother was entirely healed of the consumption, through the study of Science and Health, and the explanation of Christian Science to her by the practitioner while treating the child. This was in February, 1900, and not a trace of it has ever reappeared. Besides this, I was healed of indigestion, constipation, nervousness, and loss of memory, through the explanation of this truth and the reading of the text-book of Christian Science. An old case of hay fever of eleven years' standing has also been greatly alleviated through Christian Science treatment. I was healed of appendicitis in one week's time. I have found that Christian Science is equally helpful in business. A very complicated difficulty in business was met, and all that was needed was realized. I have, therefore, proved Christian Science to be a practical religion. With my own understanding of this truth I successfully treated a fractured shoulder which I received through a fall from a high ladder, while removing storm windows. No time was lost from business on account of this accident, and many other demonstrations could be mentioned, for all of which I return thanks.

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