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Testimonies of Healing

Two and a half years ago, I was entirely helpless

From the October 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

TWO and a half years ago, I was entirely helpless.A correction was made in the November 1911 Journal: "In the testimony of Harry Crowther, Worcester, Mass., on page 435 of the October Journal  the opening statement should have read, 'Two and a half years ago.'" My trouble was called locomotor ataxia, and the Boston specialist who examined me said the underlying condition was a serious spinal affection. There had been indications of the trouble for a long time, until I was entirely helpless from my waist down; I could do nothing to help myself at all. the disease was rapidly developing and I was in agony night and day. My appetite was gone and I was reduced nearly to a shadow. The functions of the body were inactive, and doctors who had me in charge told my family that nothing more could be done for me.

I had heard a little of Christian Science, but was not interested enough to ask what it really was. After all material means had failed, I was advised through relatives to try it. My mentality was in a greatly disturbed condition and I consented to take treatment simply to please my friends. I had very little faith in it at first. I thought it was all right for good religious people, but I failed to see how it could heal me. After a short time, however, through the earnest help of a practitioner, I began to realize that God was the only power which could save me, and I turned wholly to Christian Science. I first noticed that the advance of the disease, which had before been so rapid, had ceased; my appetite returned, and I began to build up. I could see that the blood was circulating, and life was surely being manifested in my limbs, though for some time I remained helpless.

After several months of earnest work in the truth, voluntary action began to appear. Improvement was then very rapid. My family and friends wondered and rejoiced at my restoration. The healing was complete. I went from wheel-chair to crutches, then to a cane, until I could walk long distances, and I have not had to use the cane or any other assistance for a long time. I have been back at my work over a year and a half. I do heavy work and am on my feet ten hours a day, yet I never was so well and strong as I am now.

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