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Testimonies of Healing

Daily I am receiving manifestations...

From the September 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Daily I am receiving manifestations of the power of divine Love, and I shall never cease to be thankful to God, also to our noble and self sacrificing Leader, for the many blessings I have received through the study of the Bible and Science and Health. In May, 1910, I had a severe attack of rheumatism. Help was asked for, but conditions grew rapidly and alarmingly worse; my limbs were badly swollen, the pain was very severe, and I became as helpless as a babe, and remained in this condition for about three weeks. Then there was a decided change for the better, and in a few months I was restored to health. I now look back upon this experience with no regret, and scarcely a remembrance of suffering, but see instead the unfoldment of truth in my consciousness.

For this healing, and for the numerous benefits I have received since coming into Christian Science, I am very grateful, and my desire is to show my gratitude by living a life pure enough to be a channel for Truth and Love.—

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