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From the April 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Not uncommonly one hears a mother who has just begun the study of Christian Science speak in this wise: "I would gladly trust myself to Christian Science whatever might occur, but when it comes to my children—oh, that seems so different." Now any individual is wholly justified in making a thorough investigation of anything which concerns the welfare of his children, and this is just where Christian Science triumphs, for when one has learned through this teaching to understand God as at once the all-powerful Father and the tender, loving Mother, it is realized that to divine Truth only may one safely trust the care of little children.

A mother who had for many years endeavored to be faithful to the teachings of Christian Science, found that the time had arrived when she must face the fears of human motherhood. An epidemic was spreading in the neighborhood, and her little son, her only child, was stricken with the malady. For several days she endeavored to rise above the clouds, but when the fear of loss began to assume the proportions of a Goliath in the household, a practitioner was called. That Christian Scientists have this privilege is cause for boundless gratitude. Despite the fact that a Christian Science nurse watched at the bedside, the suggestion of neglect seemed almost overpowering at times. Dear friends said in all kindliness, "You are afraid; you must overcome your fear," but the mother, finding her problem not easily solved, prayed through long hours for deliverance.

Many who have leaned with absolute reliance upon God in times of dire need have been wholly conscious of His guiding hand. With this mother it was as though a voice asked, "Why are you afraid?" and she answered, "I fear because I love the child so dearly." Then ensued an argument which will never be forgotten and which has restored a feeling of protection ofttimes since. Thus did Truth make its appeal to her: "If you fear because you love, it must be that love creates fear. If that be true, the greater the love the greater the fear, and God who is infinite Love would be infinitely, everlastingly afraid for His children." This statement, so altogether preposterous in substance, stripped the mask from fear and apprehension, and they were recognized as thoughts which have no rightful place in our consciousness because they do not emanate from God; therefore they must be denied and destroyed. It was seen that a fundamental statement which is true must be true in a small degree as well as in the greater; also that what is true in premise must be true in conclusion, and vice versa; therefore Love could not create fear, for fear is Love's supposititious opposite. With this realization the mother began to feel that her love for her son could only help to free him, and it became clear to her that since all is of God, divine Mind, she in reality had no fear, for God bestows love, not fear.

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