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Testimonies of Healing

As a student of Christian Science...

From the October 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As a student of Christian Science during the past fifteen years, many-blessings have come to me, many practical proofs of the healing power and ever present care and guidance of divine Love.

I was healed of consumption after all material means had failed. The textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, was brought to me in a dark hour, when members of my family were told that I could not possibly live more than three days, and probably not through the day. Science and Health was opened for me while I read these few words (p. 113): "God is good. Good is Mind." Immediately, a sense of quiet peace and security came to me; and from that moment I began to experience healing. The words I read did not at the time convey any hope of my being restored physically, but I prayed earnestly that I might live long enough to read the book through. I became so absorbed in the beautiful glimpses of the truth I received about God and His perfect creation that I could think of nothing else. After many months of reading, and striving to apply the teachings, I felt fully assured of my healing.

Then followed a number of experiences, covering a period of three years, in which I was tested to the very extreme in proving the truth of my healing. Twice I was refused a teaching position because it was known that I had had consumption. The first time I was disappointed about it; and symptoms recurred, until my life was again threatened; but through constant study of the textbook of Christian Science I was again restored,—this time, wholly and permanently. The second questioning of my fitness to teach occurred after this final healing; and, this time, I knew that God is a very present help in every need, and did not submit to this unjust decree. Earnestly and prayerfully I sought divine guidance. Finally, the school board announced their desire to reconsider, if I would consent to a physical examination and could pass the examination. Accordingly, I went to the physician whom they named, submitting to a most rigid examination, extending over a period of five days, which in every way seemed intended to prove that I had not been healed. After using the X-ray, the physician declared that of course I had had the disease, and in its very worst form, though it appeared to be healed. Several appliances which were used to determine and bring out evidence of the disease failed to show even a sign of its presence. At the conclusion of this examination I was given a certificate of health, and continued teaching for three years. As a result of this healing and its final proof, I experienced a wonderful quickening spiritually. I gained assurance, and a clearer understanding that God and His laws are available for the solution of every problem, and never fail to bring improvement and the right adjustment if applied lovingly, unselfishly, and scientifically.

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