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From the October 1958 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every earnest student of Christian Science knows that from the moment Mary Baker Eddy was healed through her inspired prayer, her life was dedicated to redeeming humanity. Inspired by God, her consummate love for mankind impelled the writing of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and the founding of The Mother Church. Out of days, months, and years of self-immolation and prayerful listening for divine guidance came inevitable unfoldment, successively manifested as individual and specific activities vitally essential to the complete mission of her Church.

We know these activities established by our Leader as the Reading Rooms, the Sunday Schools, the Lesson-Sermons, and The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, as well as the periodicals, were the result of her consecrated love for mankind and her awareness of its needs. It is as though she beheld each activity and each periodical as an element of the whole body called "church," which, according to Paul, is "fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part" (Eph. 4:16)

The establishment of The Christian Science Monitor was a notable achievement in Mrs. Eddy's remarkable career. This international daily newspaper, edited and maintained according to her requirement that it bless all mankind and injure no one, was destined to supplement and nourish every other part of her Church.

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