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From the March 1965 issue of The Christian Science Journal

MRS. EDDY has much to say on the subject of loyalty in her various writings. She apparently laid great stress on this quality. Yet her demands on her followers in this regard were simple and may perhaps best be summed up in her words in her Message to The Mother Church for 1902. She writes (pp. 3, 4): "Indeed, right is the only real potency; and the only true ambition is to serve God and to help the race. Envy is the atmosphere of hell. According to Holy Writ, the first lie and leap into perdition began with 'Believe in me.' Competition in commerce, deceit in councils, dishonor in nations, dishonesty in trusts, begin with 'Who shall be greatest?' I again repeat, Follow your Leader, only so far as she follows Christ."

The simplicity and humility of this request know no parallel in these modern times. One would have to go back to the Master, Christ Jesus, to find its equivalent. This is natural and logical, since in everything she did Mrs. Eddy followed Christ to the best of her ability.

Here was a Leader of a worldwide movement, deservedly reverenced by many thousands of people for the blessings that had come into their lives through her divinely inspired revelation, Christian Science. She could have expected, and obtained, implicit obedience from her followers; but she chose rather to place loyalty on a much higher level—a spiritual and enduring level. As a result, more than half a century after her departure from this plane of existence, she is still the revered Leader of the Christian Science movement, and people throughout the world daily express their gratitude for her perseverance and patient love in writing down her revelation for all time to come. On this count alone she has earned their eternal, unquestioning loyalty.

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