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Real leadership: leaving all for Christ

From the May 2012 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Lake Champlain, near Rob Warneck's home in Burlington, Vermont.

Robert T. Warneck

From his life résumé, it might seem that Rob Warneck would have been a shoo-in to become a Christian Science practitioner some day. He was raised in Christian Science, and his mother had her own healing practice. Early in childhood he came to “revere Mary Baker Eddy for the great sacrifices she made” to bring Christian Science to humanity. Later, after graduating from Syracuse University with a degree in British literature, Rob worked at The Mother Church for over 25 years. During that time, he researched Mary Baker Eddy’s healing work, and, in 1998, coauthored the book, Mary Baker Eddy: Christian Healer. He later expanded and amplified that book in 2009.

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