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Testimonies of Healing

Verification of Healings

These healings are verified by people who can vouch for the testifier or who know of the healing. Examples of Christian healing from individuals and families around the world have been published in the Christian Science periodicals for well over 125 years.

I had a very beautiful experience lately, of what our Mother describes as "the spiritual power of a scientific, right thought, without a direct effort" (Rudimental Divine Science, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 19).

We became interested in Science during February, 1897. For fifteen years previous to this time I had suffered from dyspepsia, and about two years from rheumatism and catarrh.

I want to tell of a demonstration which was quite helpful to me at the time, and the remembrance of which has been on different occasions a great source of encouragement. On this particular occasion there had fallen to my lot the task of completing some business with a real estate firm, which, according to the testimony of mortal mind was a hard one to deal with, and error had frequently prophesied that there would be trouble when we made the final settlement, "as every one else had trouble.

Ever since I can remember I have been a regular attendant at church services. Eight years ago I married a lady who was a Scientist.

Christian Science was brought to my notice through the healing of my sister, who was bedridden and had tried various methods to restore her health, but without success. This was about twelve years ago, and since that time Christian Science has proven to me over and over again, the truthfulness of its teaching in regard to God and the relationship of His children to Him, and also its efficacy in overcoming physical ills of every description, although my own experience has been more a chapter of accidents, than of disease or sickness.

More than two years have passed since my healing through Christian Science. As soon as it occurred, I had a strong desire to write and express my gratitude and joy, but after considering the matter, I decided to wait until later on to do so.

Perhaps a message from Newark, N. J.

I Thought that I would give one or two demonstrations that I have had to the Journal. One day at school, I had a belief of headache.

We have had some good demonstrations of Truth over...

We have had some good demonstrations of Truth over error in our family: one for which we especially feel deeply grateful. It was the healing of my father a few years ago, when belief said he must pass on under pleuro-pneumonia.

About two years ago, I was driving with two sisters on...

About two years ago, I was driving with two sisters on an Irish car in Dublin. Suddenly the shaft broke and we were all thrown out.