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Safe haven in any storm

Even in the midst of apparent destruction, we are under the protective wing of divine Love.

Ever wonder how to make Jesus’ temptation experience in the Bible relevant to your own? (see Matthew 4:1–11 ). Its relevancy came in a rush of inspiration for me.

What's in the house?

A teacher finds employment and inspired ways to cover a budget shortfall in her classroom through prayer.

Praying for our government

When the temptation comes to condemn government, ask yourself: With what kind of government are you aligning your thought?

Loving the 'difficult' person

OK, so, your day is going great. You’re feeling chipper—uplifted.

Minding my real business

I love my business. I love my clients. Most of the time. But every once in a while, clients get angry, confused, demanding—even scary. (You may insert “boss” or “colleagues” here as well.)

Peace to struggling hearts

The bumpy roller coaster ride of human experience can be replaced with the peace of God’s presence.

Commandment to heal

What does it really mean to "Remember the Sabbath"? Victoria finds fresh inspiration on the Fourth Commandment.

Keep the dog out of the kitchen!

What we allow into thought—and what we keep out—has an impact on our lives.

I left that particular first Christian Science service keenly aware that the Christian Science Sunday church service is unique.