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Duty can be a delight

A sense of duty doesn’t have to come with dread. Duty can mean a high calling to do good for others—and that brings immeasurable joy.

Thinking for oneself

We can resist floating along with current of popular opinion about our job prospects at any stage of life.

'A table in the wilderness'

A young mother on a tight budget learns a lesson about God’s loving provision.

Saul or Saul? Choose to be a healer

A striking lesson in humility from a look at two of the Bible’s most famous characters.

Permanent joy

“Oh be joyful. ” That’s what my wife told me she would name her next dog.

When a loved one passes on

As hard as this may sometimes be to accept, death is only an experience of the observer.

Only Love's atmosphere

Prayer can bring calm to a storm—and even to political campaigns.

Lessons on a mountain bike

The biblical story of the good Samaritan inspires a rider on the trail.

'Help thou mine unbelief!'

Three of the Gospels in the Bible record the healing of an epileptic child. The narratives in Matthew and Mark develop the same story with just slight differences in the telling.

From complaint to joy

Locked into “complaint mode”? Let spiritual joy show you the way out.