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Putting on record insights into the practice of Christian Science.

The question of healing the sick by prayer, which came...

THE question of healing the sick by prayer, which came up for consideration and. discussion in the convention of the Protestant Episcopal church recently held at Cincinnati, aroused great interest, and The Cincinnati Enquirer sums up the action of the convention at the session wherein this question was argued, as follows:— The question of healing by prayer was put directly lie fore the Episcopal convention at yesterday morning's session of the House of Deputies.

The last month has witnessed a stirring fulfillment of...

THE last month has witnessed a stirring fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy: "I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is. " The eternal law of perfection, of absolute right, of unswerving justice, makes unceasing demand upon men and nations, and none can stay its operation until judgment is everywhere laid to the line and righteousness to the plummet.

One of the most remarkable statements to be found in...

ONE of the most remarkable statements to be found in any of St. Paul's epistles is that in which he says to the Corinthians, "For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

Whatever their station or circumstance, mortals...

WHATEVER their station or circumstance, mortals are ever seeking a larger freedom, and practically all the efforts and activities of the human race are in the line of endeavor to find escape from some sense of limitation or incapacity. This innate and universal longing for liberty upon the part of all noble souls, argues for its legitimacy.

Throughout the Scriptures,—from the days when...

THROUGHOUT the Scriptures,—from the days when Abram entreated Lot, "Let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, .


We are glad to have the privilege of publishing an extract from a letter to Mrs. Eddy, from a Christian Scientist in the West, and Mrs.

IN Christian Science great emphasis is laid upon the office of the Holy Comforter, whose ministry was foretold by Christ Jesus as the necessary fulfilment of his own redemptive work. The 14th, 15th, and 16th chapters of John's Gospel are wonderfully rich in promises of the future unfoldment of the saving ministry of Truth inaugurated by the great Teacher and committed to his students, also, to quote himself, to them "which shall believe on me through their word.

Of all the many perplexing problems with which...

OF all the many perplexing problems with which humanity is brought face to face, one of the most puzzling is its own seemingly inexplicable nature. It is perfectly clear, to all who think, that opposite? cannot dwell together, and yet from his cradle to his grave that which is regarded by the many as man is, and ever has been, a bundle of arrant contradictions.

To suppose, as many seem to, that Christian Science...

TO suppose, as many seem to, that Christian Science is a sort of family cure-all,—like the old-time household panacea,—to be taken in frequent or large doses when pain is experienced, and to be put on the shelf when the pain is banished, is a serious mistake, and it is incumbent upon Christian Scientists to prove by their daily living that this concept of their faith is most certainly not the one held by them. Through faithful study of their text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," they have learned that to be "every whit whole" means not only to be well physically, but also to be well spiritually and morally.

IN the book of Isaiah we find a wonderfully graphic and poetical description of human conditions at the time when peace shall come to take the place of war and right to displace all wrong. The prophet says: "The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.