Letters to the Journal from our readers. Opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of The Christian Science Journal.
Letters & Conversations
The claims of sickness had been upon me for over thirty years. Twice I was healed through faith; once of a tumor, and once of running ulcers; but sickness in other forms soon appeared, and I could not understand why, when I had faith enough in God to heal me of a disease, I could not keep well.
New York, October 4, 1897. REV.
Nearly four years ago my eyes became very seriously affected, and I was told that they needed rest. After resting my eyes for six months they became worse, and I went under treatment at Indianapolis.
Extract from a Letter. Now I must allude to a demonstration which came to me the day after I received your kind letter.
Salt Lake City, July 14, 1897. Our Beloved Mother and Leader: — When "Miscellaneous writings" first came out, I thought of writing to you and expressing my gratitude for the immediate help it was to me.
Like a great many who served as soldiers, four years and five months, during the war of the Rebellion, when I got back home I had to bring some claims with me, which grew in strength year by year until, in 1887, I had to give up all kinds of work. Five or six doctors gave me up, and told my wife to move me to this place, which she did in July, 1888.
406 Lyon St. , Grand Rapids, Mich.
Dear Journal: —A bit of my experience may be of use to some. For a very short time I was a scorner of Christian Science, not understanding it.
It is some time since a report has been sent in from First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Madison, Wis. This church, although owning no church edifice, has for the past three years occupied the Jewish Synagogue, a commodious building erected many years since, and for a time worshipped in by the resident Jews.
1968 Second St. , San Diego Cal.