Testimonies of Healing
I have long felt a desire to tell the dear suffering ones everywhere what Christian Science has done for me, but have been held back by the thought that I could not express myself. I can find words to tell of my physical healing and something of the joy and peace that has come to me through this blessed Truth, but the love and gratitude I feel to God must find expression in deeds.
When we consider what Truth has done and is doing for humanity, how small is the sacrifice and how great should be the pleasure for us to contribute our mite for the encouragement of others. About five and a half years ago I was persuaded to try Christian Science for numerous ailments, the greatest trouble being nervous prostration.
I was led to seek help through Christian Science for my only child, who had hip disease, when less than two years old. After consulting different doctors in Salem and after several weeks in the hospital, with no apparent benefit, we decided to take him to San Francisco to a specialist in bone troubles.
Some time ago, while at my country home, as I drove to and from the station I noticed by the roadside, in a plain little home, a very weary mother sitting on the porch. She had a large child about two years of age, stretched full length on her lap.
Through Science and Health I was shown how to overcome great fear in having six jaw teeth extracted. Error said the demonstration could not be made, as I had very little understanding, not having had the advantage of class instruction.
I am glad to tell what Christian Science has done for me in pointing the way out of deafness. In the year 1876 I went west to Prince Albert on the north Saskatchewan, N.
Three or four years before coming into Christian Science, I found myself drifting away from the religious beliefs in which I had been reared, which were those of the Presbyterian faith. While still thinking them true.
Words are meagre to express my gratitude for the great change in my spiritual and physical condition wrought by Christian Science within the last year. For a period of eight years I had been in the most wretched health, last winter suffering from enlargement of the liver with all its attendant ills.
I will relate the healing by Christian Science of two persons of defective eyesight; the first, a youth eighteen years of age, whose parents, when he was nine years old, were advised by their family physician to have him wear glasses as a relief for nearsighledness and headaches. From that time until a little more than a year ago, the oculist, his parents, and he considered it imperative for him to use glasses constantly, changing the focus from time to time as his advancing years seemed to render it necessary.
I would like to say what Christian Science has done for me. For three years I was much opposed to it, really from ignorance, as I would not take the pains to read any of Mrs.