As has been vigorously insisted in the columns of the Christian Science Journal, common honesty demands that an editor who has allowed a prejudiced partisan to attack, through the pages of his publication, a large number of its readers, shall, through the same medium, permit the attacked to defend themselves. All are agreed in theory on the essential fairness of such concession; but, up to date, in the matter of the recent disgraceful assaults upon Christian Science and its adherents, only the secular press of Boston has practically applied this rule of ethics. The Watchman has yet to be heard from; but judging from the animus of its editorial of March 5, the Scientists have nothing to expect from it more than from some other religious publications, which we regret to add with anathema heaped upon those only doing good, have deliberately broken the golden rule so important to true Christian charity.
From the April 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal