If there is any one fact demonstrated in the practice of materia medica, it is that bodily conditions are translated thoughts. If a zealous advocate of a certain treatment for cancers but study into their varieties and classification long enough, he may be sure of dying eventually of the kind of cancer his thought is most familiar with. If it is degrees of insanity in the which he is most interested and expert, he is on the high road to dementia, and if no accident overtake, will reach the goal soon or late.
Two instances in proof, are the death of the promising young Chicago doctor, who studied so deeply into the processes of carbuncle, that, being quick to picture impressions, he speedily brought one out on his own face which proved fatal; and that of the noted expert on insanity, Dr. Rudolphe Tauszki of New York, who recently read an exhaustive essay on "Lunacy and its Crimes," before the Medico-Legal Society of that city, and went home to shoot himself and wife in a fit of demency.
Had these conscientious students but turned their undivided attention to the study of the true man, and not the sick and demented counterfeit, more people would be living to praise their works to-day than now is possible, and both might be going bravely on to the accomplishment of their laudable purpose— healing many of divers diseases.