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From the April 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Rays of truth light the thoughts of mankind on question after question, making for race uplifting. The Springfield Republican, calming the fears some entertain that large freedom for woman sets aside a fundamental distinction of sex, says: "The ideal of woman has not been retrograding in the past century, or in the past generation, and yet the steps which have been taken have all defied the agelong notions of the fundamental distinctions of sex. It has been discovered that the wider grow woman's privileges, opportunities, rights and duties, the higher and deeper grows the perfect distinction of sex, and it is this which makes her active co-operation in all the affairs of life desirable,—because she brings into them the qualities the man lacks, and tends to exalt his aims and cleanse his methods. This is certain,—reform is coming; and in our day, as we believe; and it is in the line of God's best purpose for his world."

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