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Testimonies of Healing

Dear Journal.—I wish to write a few lines...

From the December 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Dear Journal.—I wish to write a few lines for the benefit of the sick and suffering, and to let every one know what Christian Science has done for me. I had been an invalid for twenty (20) years. Most of the time did not know what it was to be free from pain, with ulceration, and vaginal displacement, and kidney trouble. For the past two years had been a great deal worse. The doctors thought there was no hope for me at present; but thought in time I might be better. When I was advised to try Christian Science, I was in constant pain through my back and hips and the lower part of my bowels. It was all I could do to get off from the lounge and get across the room. A good deal of the time I could not raise my feet away. If I tried, it seemed as if my hips would come out of place. I could not stand, ride, or walk. In four weeks after Mrs. J. B. Brown, of Wentworth, N.H., began to treat me, I could ride two miles, walk a quarter of a mile, and could do my cooking and other light housework for three in the family. In seven weeks I started for Sacramento, California; came through without stopping and stood my journey nicely, and have been gaining ever since. I have very little pain now, and for days at a time I won't feel the least bit of pain. I thank God for what C.S. has done for me.

Your friend in trust,

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