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From the December 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science is a thorough annihilation of mortal mind, ignoring and denying its existence as reality or power, and a spiritual understanding of our true relationship to God and the nature and reality of our eternal being. "All flesh is as nothing." This declaration, added to the knowledge, "God is all supreme, and there is no other power," proves to us that the would-be power of mortal mind, holding the world in bondage, having a throne erected, upon which sits his would-be satanic majesty, claiming to be all-powerful, and deceiving the children of men. It is from this nightmare of mortal thought that Christian Science is loudly calling you to awaken, to behold the nothingness of the 'beast that shall bow to the Lamb," whose kingdom shall be given up to Christ's kingdom, and He, the only King, the only "I am," the only Power, and shall reign for ever and ever. If we go back to the great heroes who represented to us the volume of truth, we find that Moses had to annihilate Pharaoh; David put to silence the malice of Saul; Jesus conquered the enemy; the apostles followed in His footsteps; Paul carried on the work, and was, next to Christ, the greatest demonstrator of Christian Science portraying its magnitude and beauty in all his work. And now we have presented to us the "Comforter," unveiling according to promise the hidden manna, leading us unto Truth; and now that Christian Science is heralding its mission of mercy, and undoing the yoke and bonds from many a worn-out traveler, what must error do, but of old strive to scale the rampart of truth. It appears to us now in the form of the "great red dragon," whose doom is sealed, whose time is short, who must in deed and in truth find its final home in the "bottomless." This opposite of Christian Science, which is aroused by the desire of error to perpetuate itself, is the so-called animal magnetism or malicious mesmerism. Its most subtle argument is the claim to be of Truth and for Truth; and teachers and pupils of Christian Science, as taught by Mrs. Eddy, of Boston, in its purity and power, are only true who follow out her rules and instructions; and those who are honestly teaching and demonstrating Christian Science are those who are loyal to her—loyal to the requirements of science, and honestly and conscientiously going onward and upward through demonstration, cleaving asunder every error that clogs our footsteps, brushing the cobwebs away, and with clarion notes presenting to the world the realities of Life, Truth and Love.

Let our people beware of the "wolves in sheep's clothing"; and if they want to find the "Way, the Truth, and the Life," let them seek it in its purity. Be warned, and know from whom you are healed and taught. The sound of truth bears with it no error, and is sweet to the ear; and when properly taught our Science illuminates our Bible, and then we grow through understanding to the righteousness, joy, and peace that Paul knew; yea, "the peace that passeth understanding." I hope I am proving daily through demonstration that it is the way Jesus taught, and was myself raised from hopeless disease by a genuine disciple of Christian Science. And when we ask, What is this Science? we can only say, it is the work of eternity to gather its precious pearls, and it is the gateway to immortality and eternity, and "Blessed is he that goes in thereat, for he shall have right to the Tree of Life, and enter in through the gates into the city."

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