It is with pleasure I submit this testimonial, for it is my desire that others should know of this wonderful way of healing.
I have been delicate from a child, and a great sufferer, and for some months past I have been worse than ever. I was confined to the house all winter. I was confined to my bed, and under a physician's care, and was growing worse, when I called in Mr. B. I had heard of a hopeless case that he had been successful in treating; and as there was no encouragement in my case, I determined to try this way, for I was all discouraged, and could not stand the suffering much longer So on the evening of April 2 I sent in great haste for Mr. B., and received partial relief. On the morning of the 5th my trouble disappeared, and I was able to leave my bed, and have never in my life enjoyed better health. Three days after, I walked a mile before calling at the Doctor's office, and since then I have been able to do all my work. It seems as though I was a new creature.
Any particulars in regard to my case will be cheerfully given by me.