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From the December 1887 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IF ever a hard task was set the Children of Israel, it was to make bricks without proper materials.

Apply the thought to this Journal, and do not ask impossibilities. If you want better articles, write them, or find them, and send to the publishers.

Some people think it would be better always to have short articles,—not over three pages long, say. Very well! Send them! To be sure, such brief articles are not to be found in magazines of this size and quality. Taking up at random a religious monthly, whose general articles are in pages of the same size and type as our own, we find the first article filling fourteen pages; the second, twelve pages; the third, ten; the fourth, eighteen; the shortest being four pages; while among the lesser literary notices, in smaller type, one covers a dozen pages and another six; yet this whole magazine is only twenty pages larger than our own.

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