The best sermon ever preached is Truth demonstrated. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life;" and he proved it by his demonstrations. He gave sight to the blind; the lame he made to walk, and the sick he made whole. So in our daily lives we, as his followers, must walk in the way of Truth, and be chosen vessels unto the honor of Christ .
Knowing that either Truth or sin would be supreme in our affections, he said, "Ye can not serve two masters." Man can not serve both Soul (God) and sense (sin). If he is governed by Soul, he will overcome temptation to sin, and the so-called laws of error can not make him sick or limit his usefulness. Why? Because Truth makes man a new creature. "Old things have passed away, and all things have become new." Passion, selfishness, every phase of sensuality, yield to spirituality, and the superabundance of Being is on the side of Truth. Christian perfection is won on no other basis, for Christ Jesus is Truth; and he, being the corner-stone, is the foundation, and God the Divine Principle of it all.
The question, asked by Christians, Infidels, Pagans, and all others, is, What is Truth? This question is now stirring humanity. In understanding Christian Science we get a positive answer to the question. Through belief men are seeking to produce the blindness of old creeds and isms, wherein the blind lead the blind, till they both fall into the ditch of superstition and bigotry; but the power of Truth can not be denied, for it purges humanity of its error.